Let’s… Let’s Play?

Here’s a rather unceremonious way of announcing a side project I’m working on: I’m trying to put together a let’s play series! Everyone and his mother is doing it these days, and being the trendy fellow I am, I had to jump on that particular wagon. Gotta pay those bills. Really, though — I’ve wanted for a while now to expand my videogame-talky-guy stuff into another format. I’ll always have the blog, but it would be nice to have something else on top of it. Something verbal and more off-the-cuff — something conversational, even. Let’s plays, then! Except, to have

Anime Boston Part 2: The Missing Pieces

And then it was Thursday. It’s been… Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday — four days since I walked out of the convention center, for the first time all weekend, into the outside world. When I’d entered, it was cloudy and threatening a downpour. When I walked out the door, I walked into a breezy, sunny afternoon. And then suddenly it was Thursday. Sitting here those four days later, I’m unpacking, reminiscing, looking at the fliers and booklets and things that came home with me. Realizing that I made a huge mistake trying to fit the whole weekend’s adventure into a single

The Faces of Anime Boston

Before this last weekend, I had never been to a convention. Anime, videogame, Star Trek cons — nothing. I had a general idea of what happened at these sorts of things, but no real sense of what to expect. A day and a half in, and those are basically the words that came out of my mouth. “I don’t know what I was expecting.” “But this isn’t it?” she asks, to which I really have no answer. The only one I can come up with is the rather dull “I don’t know.” It feels like a thought interrupted. Was I