30 Games That Made Me Who I Am: 1996

1996. Enter WarCraft II. Or… more specifically, WarCraft II‘s map editor. Or even more specifically, the map editor for WarCraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal — the expansion to the original game, which was the version of it that I owned. Beyond the Dark Portal came out in 1996, a year after OG WarCraft II, which conveniently allows me to sneak it onto this list! I’ve told this story a little out of order. The journey that started as a taste of creation in the early 1990s with SimCity — and ultimately led to creating full game mods in the 2000s with Doom — was

30 Games That Made Me Who I Am: 1995

Okay, that last year was pretty emotionally taxing, so let’s lighten things up! 1995’s Stonekeep is a delightful fantasy adventure that has everything you could ask for: thrilling dungeon-delving, excellent comedy writing, charming (if terrible) live action actors, a rich backstory and companion novella, and, uh… completely bizarre, rushed, and stupid design choices. When you’re young, it doesn’t matter how good or bad a game is, how perfectly-balanced or completely broken. And Stonekeep is a broken-ass game. Three areas in the game use the same recolored visuals, even though those visuals don’t make sense in any of them. Enemies can’t walk through