Loathsome Cleft


If you ever decide you want to send a little something for my birthday, I’ll say this: forego the greeting card and go right for the baked goods. Handmade, if you can. Those are what really take some time and dedication. And it’s personal; you do it with your own two hands. Who would pass that up for the cleverest greeting card in the world?

Anyway, James “Phobus” Cresswell’s Loathsome Cleft


It’s a Doomworld tradition: One prolific WAD creator builds a map to celebrate another prolific WAD creator’s birthday. It sounds like something that could go one of two ways. It could be a greeting card, or it could be a nice banana bread. Loathsome Cleft is a big ol’ banana bread.

You’ll believe me after you’ve had a taste. It’s a neat theme for starters, with almost the whole map taking place in an open, shadowy crag. You worm and squirm your way along paths that skirt the outside of the valley, battling heavy opposition all along the way.

In the span of a ten minute map, you’ll see most — if not all — of the enemies Doom has to offer. Mostly, though, you’ll see cacodemons. They’re basically the banana in this equation, and Phobus stirs a generous serving into the open layout so that you’re always being hunted no matter where you go.


Just because this is a birthday party doesn’t mean it’s going to be all fun and games, though. You’ve got to work for it. Phobus gives you just enough ammo to do it with, and health is even tighter. I actually finished the map with nothing left but my fists, and resorting to infighting in order to bring down that cyberdemon was better icing on the cake… er, bread… than any huge fight could have been.

What I’m saying is… I’d be happy to help you eat the rest of your birthday haul, Obsidian, if the rest is as tasty as what Phobus cooked up.

Loathsome Cleft requires DOOM2.WAD and can be played in vanilla Doom or on any source port under the sun. If you’re not sure how to get it running, this may help. And for more awesome WADs, be sure to check these out!

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