Jia Jiang, You Beautiful Man

I had a bad day today. Nothing earth-shattering. No tragedy or illness, and I’m thankful for that. I’m in a weird position, though, knowing that other people out there –people I know personally and respect, even — are having real, concrete, profound troubles right now, and it’s hard not to feel like a drama queen for complaining about a bad day. A friend suggested rejection therapy as a way of combating some of the problems contributing to my Chronic Bad Day Syndrome. (Is it just me or does the term “rejection therapy” sound really dire? Can we come up with

To Facebook or Not to Facebook

Presently, this is my great dilemma. More accurately, actually, my struggle is whether I should quit Facebook or not, but “To Quit Facebook or Not to Quit Facebook” wasn’t as catchy a title. A friend of mine has already written a much more eloquent post on this subject, and if the title doesn’t give it away, he went with the second option. (Also, since he will undoubtedly notice the pingback (or whatever it’s called) from this post and since he wasn’t aware of this blog previously: Hello, Mr. Watson. Yes, it is I.) Where was I? Right — I think,