30 Games That Made Me Who I Am: 1990

Here we are at the end of the NES’ reign. The final NES game on this list is also my absolute favorite on the system, and in my opinion maybe the greatest action RPG ever. The visuals might be dated, the mechanics might be way simplistic, but to this day there are only a handful of videogames that can bring me to tears by the end — and one of those games is Crystalis. Final Fantasy and Mario 3 made me feel fear, sure. But fear is primal, and scaring a child is easy. How many games, on the other

30 Games That Made Me Who I Am: 1988

On the topic of videogames that scared the heck out of me as a kid: Super Mario Bros. 3. No, really. I was a… very highly strung child. But hear me out. While Final Fantasy is the first game I remember seeing, the Mario games are some of the first ones I remember playing. The combo Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt cart was a staple in my household. I forget whether we had a Mario 2 of our own or if we borrowed it from one of my brothers’ friends, but there was a lot of that game too. And Mario 3 — we never owned it, but rented