Proper Theming

I have a theming problem. With this blog, I mean. I also don’t have a very good eye for design. I had originally planned on going a while without caring, but that didn’t pan out. For some reason, people started reading this and then I suddenly felt like I had to make the place look nice. So I ate through half a dozen themes in a couple weeks before finally settling on one. Believe it or not — once upon a time, we looked like this:

The Technophile’s Curse

In the Digital Age, there is a new affliction sweeping the globe. A condition that affects millions of computer nerds and gamers alike. It’s called the Technophile’s Curse (well, it is as of right now): the complete inability to keep a normal sleep schedule. My mother always used to claim it was from looking at screens — CRTs back then, LCDs now. Something about too much light too late at night screwing up the body’s internal clock. That might be true, but I ain’t a scientist. Besides, I’m always the last person asleep even on nights when there isn’t a

Spring Cleaning

Spring! It’s still technically spring — according to Google, anyhow. You know what that means, right? We’ve still got time for spring cleaning! Remember when spring cleaning meant just a little dusting, some vacuuming — washing the hard floors and windows, maybe? If you’re real hardcore, you threw open the closet doors that all year have hid a whole bunch of useless junk you didn’t know what to do with before. I’m really good at that one. “What? Someone’s coming over? Throw all this crap in the closet! Check it out; look how organized I am!” Meanwhile, there’s a pile

The Italics Dilemma: A Call For Revolution

Every English class I’ve ever been in has drilled into my brain the conventions for dropping titles in writing. Italics, italics, italics! (Or quotes sometimes.) And I’ve taken a lot of English classes. You probably know the rundown if you’ve ever been in an English class. You also probably don’t really care, at least in your everyday writing. Why should you? It’s pointless and irrelevant minutiae, right? Well, English majors love pointless and irrelevant minutiae; let me tell you.

A Post About Nothing

I don’t really have much to talk about today. … Wait, I’ll think of something! Don’t leave! Let’s talk about… having nothing to talk about. Hm. That sounded more exciting in my head. Even aside from the few times I’ve not been sure what to write about, my posting habits are iffy at best. When I started this blog, I committed to a Tuesday/Thursday posting schedule, and I’ve stuck with that so far — provided you count the two or three filler posts I’ve done. The twice-a-week thing was a conceit to get writing more — not just on here

Who Owns Your Blog? The Truth May Shock You!

…but don’t get too excited. The truth can’t shock you if I don’t tell you. Which would be hard to do because I’m still not sure myself. Content ownership is kind of a big deal on the internet. It’s also a big mess. Never before have we had a system anything like this, where you can put your heart and soul into creating something and, when you’re done, upload it instantly — to a service someone else owns — for the whole world to see. But that’s, like… a thing now. The other great thing about the internet is how

A Step By Step Anti-Guide to Finals

Here’s my tried and true method for finals season. Which means you should probably do the exact opposite if you know what’s good for you. 1. Put off writing your final papers until you have exactly the minimum amount of time you could possibly finish them in. If you need help wasting time, try catching up on every episode of Game Grumps you might have missed. Also, take this opportunity to get some videogaming in for the first time in a while, since… y’know, you’ve been too busy the rest of the semester for that kind of thing. Also, this

digitaleidoscope Goes To twitterland

And now for a brief announcement: I’m on twitter. Hooray! Disclaimer: I’ve technically been on twitter since ’08 (placing me firmly in Before It Was Cool territory), but I haven’t used it in the five years since and also I forget my login information. I still get the hipster cred, though, right? Now that I’ve got another outlet for my… whatever it is that I do here, you can expect double the amount (additional disclaimer: this is a blatant lie) of awesome ‘leidoscope content! It’s the perfect place to share all my musings that don’t really merit a whole blog

The Little Laptop That Could

Do you know what the first rule of computing is? Well, I’ll tell you. First, though, this is Bacchus. Internet, meet Bacchus. Bacchus, Internet. He’s the middle child of my three babies — younger than my crusty old desktop, Saul, but older than baby Ophelia, our shiny new netbook. These days, Bacchus is the one who gets the most use, what with college life demanding something portable to lug around campus most days (and Ophelia is strictly for writing (I don’t even have her wireless configured — that way I won’t be distracted by the internet when I need to