A Series of Terrible Life Choices — Let’s Play Pokemon Silver

Somehow, I missed out on the whole Pokemon thing. It would have been right up my alley when I was a kid, too — only… I never had a Game Boy. It wasn’t until 2014, no less than sixteen years behind the curve, that I plugged Pokemon Blue into my brand new GBA and took the first step on my PokeJourney. I got about twenty hours or so into the game before the battery in the game cart died and my save file was erased. So that was the end of my PokeJourney. Until now. Rather than redo the bits

Silent Storm — Mission 19: Drop the Hammer!

We’ve got work to do. We finally know what the ultimate goal of Thor’s Hammer was. And where their base is. But we’re on the clock. Their grand plan is even more ambitious than we thought. It’s not the panzerkleins or the beam weaponry alone that they’ll use to take over the world. Any moment now, they’ll be launching a weapons platform into orbit. It’ll be capable of hitting any place on Earth — wiping any city, or country, from the map if they oppose the Hammer. That orbital weapon is preparing for launch as we speak at the Hammer

Silent Storm — Mission 18, Part 1: Never Trust Switzerland

Let me get this straight. You couldn’t make it as the hero in dumb action movies, so you decided to be a dumb action hero in real life. …more or less. Uncle Petr, owing us a favor, lets us raid the building. Not only that, but he doesn’t even get upset when we start rifling through locked containers! And firing weapons inside! And breaking into the top secret documents in the basement!

Silent Storm — Mission 15: Yep, They Make Swords For Panzerkleins

That settles it. If Thor’s Hammer can mass produce panzerkleins, we need to end their operation for good. Don’t be hasty! I’d, um… very much like to see what else these suits can do. Yeah, why head home when the six of us can basically win the war by ourselves? That’s not our job. While the Allies and the Axis duke it out, Thor’s Hammer can grow unopposed. Whichever side wins the war, they won’t be able to stand up to the Hammer. This is not about the war. It’s about what happens afterward. You’re right, I guess. But… But