Tomorrow, In a Year

And now for something completely different… I haven’t written any music-related posts since last November, to my surprise and slight disappointment. All that time listening to weird and wonderful albums without giving you fine folks a single glimpse into that weird world I love so much. To compensate for the drought, let’s dive into the absolute weirdest thing I’ve listened to in the past few months: Tomorrow, In a Year. (It’s the music from an opera about Charles Darwin. So, uh… yeah.) I went on a major Knife kick recently. Their latest album, Shaking the Habitual, dropped in April and

High/Low 2, 3, 4

Hey there! Welcome back to the program. In case you missed it, on the last episode, we talked about a little gem called High/Low 1. And I did intend to take a break from that series this month, but… well, I couldn’t stay away. Chris Hansen’s bite-sized maps make them really easy to tackle, and his light, airy style honestly is difficult to resist. So this month I’m back with the remaining three entries in his High/Low series instead of the megaWAD I was intending to show off. I’ll get to that next month. (It starts with an R!) Anyhow,

Soft Reset

It’s that time of year. Well, one of those that times. Time for a reset. The stress of research papers, exams, final projects distracts you enough not to really see it coming. Then, suddenly, it’s right there staring you in the face: the end. The end for now, anyway. Did you have the chance to say goodbye to everyone you met over the semester? To throw a thank you at the professors who inspired you and really taught you something? To just take in the atmosphere of the campus, the place — the community — that you won’t be a

Who Owns Your Blog? The Truth May Shock You!

…but don’t get too excited. The truth can’t shock you if I don’t tell you. Which would be hard to do because I’m still not sure myself. Content ownership is kind of a big deal on the internet. It’s also a big mess. Never before have we had a system anything like this, where you can put your heart and soul into creating something and, when you’re done, upload it instantly — to a service someone else owns — for the whole world to see. But that’s, like… a thing now. The other great thing about the internet is how

Kickstarter Roundup!

Hey, folks! Feels like I haven’t talked to you in ages! Might have something to do with this localized time-stretching effect I’ve been noticing in the vicinity of any computer with an in-progress final paper on its hard drive. (According to my research, the time-dilation field actually works in reverse in rooms were final exams are taking place. Curious.) Of course, the slowing of time is quite handy, since it allows you to fit what should be eight hours or so of writing into about half the time, and it always works out so that the paper is done mere

A Step By Step Anti-Guide to Finals

Here’s my tried and true method for finals season. Which means you should probably do the exact opposite if you know what’s good for you. 1. Put off writing your final papers until you have exactly the minimum amount of time you could possibly finish them in. If you need help wasting time, try catching up on every episode of Game Grumps you might have missed. Also, take this opportunity to get some videogaming in for the first time in a while, since… y’know, you’ve been too busy the rest of the semester for that kind of thing. Also, this

High/Low 1

I’m trying to keep a good balance on here between the kind of short, sweet WADs that can lure in new Doom players who aren’t sure if they want to get their feet wet yet, and the sort of massive epics that I live for. Chris Hansen’s High/Low 1 is firmly in the first category. This is the kind of WAD I probably should have started with: finely tuned and straight to the point — wonderful for testing the waters if you’ve ever been interested in Doom mods but haven’t taken that first step. I’ve never worked in a place

digitaleidoscope Goes To twitterland

And now for a brief announcement: I’m on twitter. Hooray! Disclaimer: I’ve technically been on twitter since ’08 (placing me firmly in Before It Was Cool territory), but I haven’t used it in the five years since and also I forget my login information. I still get the hipster cred, though, right? Now that I’ve got another outlet for my… whatever it is that I do here, you can expect double the amount (additional disclaimer: this is a blatant lie) of awesome ‘leidoscope content! It’s the perfect place to share all my musings that don’t really merit a whole blog

The Little Laptop That Could

Do you know what the first rule of computing is? Well, I’ll tell you. First, though, this is Bacchus. Internet, meet Bacchus. Bacchus, Internet. He’s the middle child of my three babies — younger than my crusty old desktop, Saul, but older than baby Ophelia, our shiny new netbook. These days, Bacchus is the one who gets the most use, what with college life demanding something portable to lug around campus most days (and Ophelia is strictly for writing (I don’t even have her wireless configured — that way I won’t be distracted by the internet when I need to