A Love Letter

Dear low, sloped ceiling, My head hurts just to think of you. If you could, tell the fluorescent light (full of bugs from 1989), and blue carpeted floor (as pristine as the day you were set down): I’m sorry about the things I’ve said. Dear dark corner, behind hanging shirts — button-down (a cat’s favored hiding place), and stacked boxes, all childhood packed away (and more money wasted on eBay than I’d like to admit): You guys too. But especially… My dearest cheap, plastic hamper, overturned more than once so I could sleep in a pile of dirty clothes (don’t

Sci-fi Extravaganza!

Is this the real life? Or is this just sci-fi? Seriously, WHAT IS HAPPENING. Has anyone else noticed all the cool sci-fi stuff is coming out, like… right now? Did I miss the memo about sci-fi becoming super trendy and profitable? First, I saw an ad for this little darling on the old T-and-V: If you want the CliffsNotes: Crazyman Tom Cruise. God. In a sci-fi thing. Yep, sold, moving on.


Hey! We’ve arrived! It’s the big five-two! If what I learned in school is correct, fifty-two posts at two posts per week is twenty-six weeks of blogging. And twenty-six weeks is six whole mo– Wait, no it’s not. My calculator says it’s six and a half months. But it’s six calender months, I think. I didn’t really check beforehand. I just assumed if there are 52 weeks in a year, there’d be 104 posts. So 52 would be half of a year and that’s… Alright — enough numbers. I’m celebrating digitaleidoscope‘s halfversary whether the math works out or not! (If

The New (Old) Media

Last weekend, I took a step away from the computer — away from the videogames and the internet and the blogosphere — and into a world I’ve never seen from the inside before. I went to see (wait for it!)… A play. And by a play, I mean one of those things where you go to a theater and buy a ticket and sit with a bunch of people and… and watch real actors act in real time. It’s like a movie except the actors are right there in front of you. A play. I know, right? They still do

A Very Fallouty Easter

Hey folks! How was your Easter? I hope you all took the opportunity to let out your artsy and crafty sides. Even us “adults” get to exercise our creative side between finding creative places to hide the plastic, candy-filled eggs and coloring the white, egg-filled eggs. Easter + nieces and nephews — I don’t need any more excuse to get my art on. Of course, my art, even when flipped to the on position, is sadly lacking. This year, I arrived a bit late to the party and missed the egg hunt (ARGH), but at least I got the chance

Back to Saturn X Episode 1: Get Out of My Stations

A great Doom WAD is an emotional experience for me. I feel more invested in a good WAD than I do in 90% of videogames. The minimalistest story, some level design that makes me feel like I’m progressing and accomplishing something, a strong soundtrack — that’s all I need. The last one most of all. Really; music will make or break a levelset for me, and when is makes it, it makes it. If you’re not a big Doom person, I wouldn’t blame you for not believing me here, but I honestly think the world of Doom WADs hides behind

A CyberDefender By Any Other Name…

StopSign… FinallyFast… DoubleMySpeed… I’m not sure whether I love these guys or hate them. On the one hand, they’re supposedly huge scams, which is not very awesome. On the other, they make ads like this one: I just love the two younger guys who clearly realize the gig is a joke and try to have as much fun with it as possible. And you know some graphic artist snuck as many goofs into the ad as he could get under the radar, just for a laugh. Windows XP on Macs? Throw it in! Slow internet connection results in bluescreen? Totes

The Writer 3: Wild Job Hunt

Anyone else out there currently job-hunting? At the moment, I’m stuck in a perpetual state of sortofemployment and I’d really like to be actuallyemployed, so I’m jumping on that ol’ horse again. I have to say, the job hunt is not my favorite thing. If I had to put it somewhere on my list, I’d probably rank it slightly above having my wisdom teeth out or that one time I got beat up in the first grade. And it’s probably as stressful as talking to girls. Which is pretty stressful — right, guys? …right? Anyway, since I have learned so

Black Rock Shooter

Well, I’m fresh off a Black Rock Shooter marathon. So let’s talk about it. Is that cool with you? Okay, sweet. So there’s this anime called Black Rock Shooter. Hey, hey — don’t leave yet. I know the title is silly, but don’t write it off just ’cause of that. In fact, from this point on, let’s refer to the series by my unofficial title. I think it’s much more fitting. We shall call it Mood Whiplash: The Anime. I think that about sums it up. Really — I’m still not sure what the heck I just watched. Black R—